Spanish Lessons in Gijón

Improve your Spanish

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Lessons adjusted to your needs and objectives

Real conversation practice in Spanish: you will not only learn grammar and vocabulary, but you will get the chance to inmerse in real situations so you can speak with confidence in a short period of time

imagen de paisaje Gijón

About Me

My name is Ana and I am here to help you improve your Spanish!

I have lived in several places abroad and know how difficult can be to start over in a new city, not only to meet people or start a new job, but also struggling to understand the language.

My idea of learning the Spanish language is that we do not focus only in grammar and other information such pronuntiation rules, but rather find the best metodology that works for you.

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Simple pricing options

1 Class 5-Class Pack
Price: 15€/hour Price: 70€ (5 hours)